| 44 Lubrication points Æ Æ Automotive industry Æ Æ Conveying and warehouse technology Æ Æ Food industry Æ Æ Packaging machines Æ Æ Machine tools In roller bearings , loads and movements are transferred by means of rollers, arranged between an outer and inner race. If these metallic components make direct contact with one another, the contact causes undesirable friction, wear and damage, which may lead to bearing failure. In sliding bearings, the moving parts are in direct, sliding, linear contact. They can accept greater forces than roller bearings, but are more heavily impacted by wear due to the greater friction. Service life and reliability of seals, roller and sliding bearings mainly depend on ambient conditions. Extreme operating conditions and the and contaminants in the bearing system lead to increased wear and to a shorter service life. Ambient and influencing factors can be divided into three groups: Æ Æ Dust and liquids in the bearing Æ Æ Oscillations and vibrations Æ Æ High bearing temperatures These factors have an impact on the service life and must be taken into account when calculating lubricant quantities. The greater the load or the influence of ambient conditions, the more lubricant is required to guarantee optimal lubrication . Roller and sliding bearings are used in all areas of industry. Only regular and efficient lubrication ensures that these components function correctly. Bearing damage, resulting from insufficient lubrication or contamination in the bearing, can result in consequential damage. Challenges perma Lubrication systems for Roller & sliding bearings