Publisher perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG Hammelburger Str. 21 97717 Euerdorf / Germany Tel.: +49 (0)9704 609 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)9704 609 - 50 info @ per ww perma-tec is constantly developing its products and reserves the right to alter the construction, specifications, design and fittings without prior notice. Any reprint or copy, even in extracts, is only permitted with consent of the publisher. Subject to misprints, errors and technical modifications. Our general terms and conditions apply. ww #75163797 © Moreno Soppelsa #76101314 © Brian Jackson #34311276 © Okea #41033848 © Nataliya Hora #20450538 © MASP #21732891 © Lubos Chlubny #11892133 © azthesmudger #13660232 © Joachim Schiermeyer #1372083 © Anton Medvedkov #8283228 © Jure Ahtik #8623519 © A_Bruno #3501744 © erikdegraaf #6956948 © Alibamba ww #149570927 #36083719 #548300296 #170451299 #77539378 #708817909 #649279933 #652649560 #348833489 #463224854 #123400009 #214476049 #1035522985 Picture credits Product photographs Tanismedia - Ronny Michallik & NovArte fotodesign – Flavio Burul The Expert in Lubrication Solutions All other illustrations created by perma-tec. Original sizes may vary from the illustrations. The catalogue is printed on FSC-certified paper using mineral oil-free inks. Publisher perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG Hammelburge Str. 21 9 717 EUERDORF / GERMANY Tel.: +4 9704 609 - 0 Fax: +4 9704 609 - 50 info @ #75163797 © M reno Soppelsa #76 01314 © Bri n Jackson #34311276 © Okea #41033848 © Nataliya Hora #20450538 © MASP # 1732891 © Lubos Chlubny #1 892133 © azthesmudger #13660232 © Joachim Schi rmeyer #1372083 © Anton Medvedkov #8 3228 © Jure Ahtik #8623519 © A_Bruno #3501744 © rikdegraaf #6956948 © Ali mba ww.shut #14 5 0927 # 6083719 #548300296 #170451299 #77539378 #708817909 #64 279933 #652 49560 # 48 33489 #463224854 #123400009 #214 76049 #1035522985 Photo credits Product photos Tanismedia - Ronny Michallik & NovAr e fotodesign – Flavio Burul The Expert in Lubrication Solutions All other illustrations created by perma-tec. Original sizes may v ry from the illustrations. Th catalogue is printed on FSC-certified paper using mineral oil-free inks. perma-te is co stantly develop ng its products and reserves the right to alter the cons ruction, specifications, design and fittings without pri r notice. Any reprint r copy, even in ex racts, is only permitted with consent of the publisher. Subject to misprints, errors and techni al modifications. Our general terms and conditions apply.